I had a similiar problem with my 2000 silverado(I know its not a HD) the fuel pump was not holding pressure,so the few seconds it runs when you first go to start was not long enough to build up pressure,by turning the switch off and on it would build up. A quick lesson on FI,when you first turn on the switch fuel pump only runs for a few secs,you can hear it start then stop,then once the engine starts it will run continously. His pump is either to weak for that to be long enough or possibly a leak in the hose inside the gas tank.By cycling the switch off and on he is forcing the pump to build more pressure. My guess is the problem will get worse until it wont run at all. I would suspect a leak in that line in the tank,makes sense when you think about it,with a small leak pressure bleeds off after the bike sits,that momentary run of the pump does not build enough pressure...Tom..