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2008 ultra acceleration problems


New Member

i have been having this problem for some time now. i have a 2008 ultra with sampson straight slip-ons, high flow air cleaner and a V&H fuel pak. my problem is after driving on the free way for a while, when i exit, the next light i have to stop for, i take off and the bike feels like is running on one cylinder and viberates alot until i shift into second or stop and take off again. i put the fuel pak in thinking that it wasnt getting enough fuel, but it still does it on occasion, and now the bike lurches at low speeds. a couple of things im thinking:
1. clutch - but if it is the clutch i would be having problems all the time. i do have SYN3 in the primary, maybe the clutch is slipping because of the fluid.
2. fly by wire throttle, maybe there is an update that i need or something?
3. the running on one clyinder shut off is staying on, and i need to shut off or an update?

any suggestions would be great. i dont think it has to do with my mods, as the bike was doing it before.
yes it is, i have never seen the check engine light come on. but i can check that. after reading a few posts on here, could the trans be going bad?
It may be the heat management system is staying on . Roll the throttle forward , if the cruise light is green then the heat management system is on , to turn it off roll the throttle forward and hold , when the cruise light flashes red 4 or 5 time release the throttle , that should shut off the heat management system , to check and see if the heat management system is off the cruise light should be red when the throttle is rolled forward . Just a side note when you are riding and the cruise is set you can shut off the cruise by rolling the throttle forward , this will not change the setting of the heat management system .
could the trans be going bad?

There are lots of things to check before getting to that point. Only certain codes will result in a solid ON engine check light. I take it that your warranty is up. Just curious what's your mileage.
Ya might wanna check w/ your HD Service Department, when I took my 09RG, the dealer told me that the new drive by wire system could "I Robot" or learn a throttle position and that there's a way to simpley erase the memory but, I've slept since he told me how to do it and I can't remember what he said. They otta be able to tell you how to do this free of charge, over the phone, whatever he told me, it wasn't hard or confusing and wouldn't mess anything up if I got it wrong.
i think there is alittle time left on the warrenty, 15000miles.

the process to reset the throttle position is easy, and you only really notice that on idle, its turn the bike off with the ignition knob, turn it back to the on position, wait until the engine light goes off, and repeat 4 times.

my bike does this all the time, i know that the issue i am having is NOT related to that.

it doesnt feel mechanical, as it only does it every so often.
i never had 1 problem with my 99 dyna, and now it seems that everytime i ride it, theres a new vibration, noise, or the bike not running correctly.

it just feels like it is speed related too, because it only does it once right after you stop after being on the free way.

i have been having this problem for some time now. i have a 2008 ultra with sampson straight slip-ons, high flow air cleaner and a V&H fuel pak. my problem
1. clutch - but if it is the clutch i would be having problems all the time. i do have SYN3 in the primary, maybe the clutch is slipping because of the fluid.
2. fly by wire throttle, maybe there is an update that i need or something?
3. the running on one clyinder shut off is staying on, and i need to shut off or an update?

any suggestions would be great.

I personally would get rid of the syn. 3.... To me syn3 is a SIN
there are better lubes for the primary than syn3.. read a little about syn 3 and just for the reason where it comes from and the "from" is UN-American does it for me!
a few members have had problems when using syn3 in the wet clutch area.

I would bet your cutting out of the front cyl. being the problem and it is Not going back to "both firing" at the right time ie; being when you twist the throttle to start out. the missing front cyl. should start firing sooner!

probably a fix at HD under warranty

signed....BUBBIE check the spark plug wires conections
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my problem is after driving on the free way for a while, when i exit, the next light i have to stop for, i take off and the bike feels like is running on one cylinder and viberates alot until i shift into second or stop and take off again. .

What I would like to know is if you had applied full throttle just before taking the exit, would the bike have pulled strong to the top or would it have nosed over.

Even if it is covered under warranty, since it is TBW, it's important to check for codes before they are erased by the dealership. At this point it could be a number of things. Even if the error log is clear, that itself tells you a lot.