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ABS Brake Feel?


Active Member
I did it. I traded in the 2007 for a 2010 Ultra with ABS. Big differance!

Can anyone confirm that the front brake lever feel on a 2009 or 2010 with ABS is much softer than the older bikes without ABS. I thought my lever felt soft I brought it back to the dealer and they put it on the machine to bleed it. I still feel there is too much travel in the brake lever before it gets hard.

Just curious if anyone noticed the differance when they upgraded.
cant say on a 09 or10 .. but on my 08 there is a little play in the lever not much no more than a normal non abs one feels like
I did it. I traded in the 2007 for a 2010 Ultra with ABS. Big differance!

So did I. Guess you wouldn't be interested in any of my old '07 takeoffs then... :p

Joe2007ultra said:
Can anyone confirm that the front brake lever feel on a 2009 or 2010 with ABS is much softer than the older bikes without ABS. I thought my lever felt soft I brought it back to the dealer and they put it on the machine to bleed it. I still feel there is too much travel in the brake lever before it gets hard.

Just curious if anyone noticed the differance when they upgraded.

My front brake lever on the '10 isn't really spongy, it seems to pull in further with less firmness on the first pull than on subsequent pulls where there's little travel and major firmness. Everyone I've talked to with Brembo ABS says theirs is the same.

I recently tried an old-school remedy for getting that last bit of air out of a bleed job.... pull the lever in as tight as it goes towards the grip and zip tie it overnight. This forces that last bit of air out the equalization port and has always resulted in a consistently firm lever on every bike I've used it on. I just snipped the zip tie this morniong before heading for work and the lever felt firm.... the full result will be known when I check it out later this afternoon. If it works as well as it has in the past then I have to figure out how to duplicate it with the rear brake pedal. It's got a very slight increase in firmness and decrease in travel with multiple applications.

TLMitchell's overnight brake bleed securing the front brake lever technique works, only I use a bungee cord works...also do it for the rear foot brake, but not as effective because the arrangement of the lines and master cylinder are not at the same level (M/C) being the highest point.

Oh yeah, in the morning start from the furthest caliper from the m/c and tap with a plastic/rubber mallet upwards to the crossover and up to the m/c...if dual disks continue from the other caliper up to the crossover and up the hose to the m/c. You will see the bubbles if you have the m/c cover off. Glider put the post up to simplify your search.
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How do you like the 2010? I am amazed how much nicer it handles.

Thanks Guys ! I am going to try it tonight. Hope it helps not happy with this brake feel.
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Just Tie it over night? No bleeding in the morning?

Snipped the zip ties when I got home and was pleased to find a consistently firm brake lever. No bleeding here, I figured they were bled adequately leaving the factory but there must be some residual air remaining or these things wouldn't all be exhibiting the less-than-firm feel on the first pull. If you can pump 'em up through multiple pulls you need to bleed 'em. If it's just minor on that first pull on the lever this technique works fine.

Re: ABS Brake Feel? YOU FIXED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You guys always amaze me with your experiance!! My brake lever was so soft. Had it to the dealer for a computerized bleeding, and it was still soft.

Last night I tried your compressed lever over night fix, Just cut the tie wrap Oh my god the lever doesnt move but a 1/8 of and inch and its rock hard! I can't belive it.
