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Adding Security System

bagger jim

New Member
Does anyone know if the security system can be added to a 2007 Ultra that did not have that option? The main thing I am looking for is leaving it unlocked without anyone being able to start it when I am away from the bike for short periods. If possible, probably costs a lot I guess, just wonderin
Does anyone know if the security system can be added to a 2007 Ultra that did not have that option? The main thing I am looking for is leaving it unlocked without anyone being able to start it when I am away from the bike for short periods. If possible, probably costs a lot I guess, just wonderin

Are you talking about the whole security module (TSSM) or are you talking about the siren?

H-D Factory Security System Install - Harley Davidson Community

Marrying New TSSM To Bike - Harley Davidson Community

Smart Siren II installation - Harley Davidson Community

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I had the dealer do it as they are the only ones who can sync the fobs. I also got the pager for mine so when on trips and in a hotel room I can be made aware of any foul play.
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one key fob comes with the security system, you need to buy the other $35.00.
dealer needs to mate the key fob to the tssm
I purchased the OEM Security with an extra fob, installed, set up and sync'd everything using the instructions from this forum. You don't need the dealer to do it. Dealer will do it faster, but I've got more time than money.