I have read some on this wonderful site about installing the radio shack Piezo alarm. But I am at a lose on where it should be connected to. Don't have manual right now by brother in law is using it. 2003 road king with push button fob
From what I have read, it seems the alarm connector is in different locations on different models for different years. I put the Radio Shack alarm on my '07 Electra Glide yesterday. My connector was located behind the ECM module mount, under the Right side cover. I did not take the ECM off the mount, I removed the two 7/16" hex nuts and the whole bracket and ECM came off. The 3 wire connector is there, and so is a compartment for theHD siren. I used double stick tape to mount the siren. Red wire on siren goes to brown on connector, and black on siren to green. EZ as can be. I didn't make any special connectors, just stripped the wires back a bit more, bent in two, and soldered. That made the wires thick enough to firmly fit into the connector. Then I just folded the wires against the connector, and put the water proof connector back on. It seems nice and tight. It is not the loudest siren in the world, but for $5.88 incl. tax, it's respectable. Two would be REAL loud, but then you would be spending double digit$ for an alarm system.