free website stats program andrews 21 grid vs. SE 204 | Harley Davidson Forums

andrews 21 grid vs. SE 204


Junior Member
thinking about trading bike its a roadking with andrews 21n grind cams i was very happy with the pick up in torque with these cams,the bike i'm thinking of trading on is a soft tail with SE204 cams just wondering can i expect the same torque out of the 204 cams as i get out of the 21n grind cams
Sorry, no experiance with the SE204's, but I also like the 21's. Never hear much about em next to the 26's?????????? I'd keep the RoaKing, IMHO.
thinking about trading bike its a roadking with andrews 21n grind cams i was very happy with the pick up in torque with these cams,the bike i'm thinking of trading on is a soft tail with SE204 cams just wondering can i expect the same torque out of the 204 cams as i get out of the 21n grind cams

Yes you can but the 204s need more than stock compression to deliver the torque. The 21 intake closes at 30* and the SE204 intake closes at 34*; earlier intake close = more dynamic compression = more torque. The 204 is a very underrated cam but must be setup right to shine.