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Antique Motorcycle Show


Experienced Member
100_0272.JPG 100_0266.JPG 100_0269.JPG 100_0270.JPG 100_0263.JPG Here's a few pictures of the Dauphin Island Antique Motorcycle Show last Saturday. The weather was perfect as so were the bikes and a good turnout of folks. My favorite picture is the last one, these girls are the Azalea Trail Maids dressed in the dresses of the Old South.
I can spend hours looking at old bikes my nearest motorcycle shop always has a few in the workshop with covers over them the owner always pulls the covers off to show me what he has this time
Looks like you had a great day

Thanks for sharing that ole' Honda reminded me of the CB750 I used to tear up Okinawa Hwy 58 on.
Glad to see this, planning to move to that area in a couple of years so I can be closer to my kids. Great pictures!