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Bad part warning


Active Member
Drag Specialty Engine Isolators for rubbermount XL's. Rubber compound is way way to hard, these things will make your eyes shake out.

I am chasing vibration issue and changed front mounts, went cheep with DS part and had to pull them and change to HD part. Problem not cured yet but that is another story.
Drag Specialty Engine Isolators for rubbermount XL's. Rubber compound is way way to hard, these things will make your eyes shake out.

I am chasing vibration issue and changed front mounts, went cheep with DS part and had to pull them and change to HD part. Problem not cured yet but that is another story.

If you had a vibration problem before, the DS mounts may have just added enough stiffness to multiply the problem. I wouldn't throw them away or discredit them just yet. Can you tell where the vibration is originating?
Vibration is more than it has been. Showed after i had minor accident. Hit concrete median an laid it down. No rim damage and only scratched some chrome on the left side.

3 stabalizers are ok, the mounts are ok. drive belt adjusted again and primary adjusted again. Found steering neck tight so I loosened it to proved enough fall away. Pulled primary cover and no issues visible.

My bike has never had vibration issue as many sportsters do. Now it seems it vibrates much the same as a lot of others do.
5th geer at 60 image in mirror was always fuzzy but not double vision, now it is. 70 is ok and 50 is ok, hands off and hands on the bars.
50 in 4th vibrates , 40 in 3rd 30 in 2nd etc. RPM related. Out of geer same thing.
Vibration is more than it has been. Showed after i had minor accident. Hit concrete median an laid it down. No rim damage and only scratched some chrome on the left side.

3 stabalizers are ok, the mounts are ok. drive belt adjusted again and primary adjusted again. Found steering neck tight so I loosened it to proved enough fall away. Pulled primary cover and no issues visible.

My bike has never had vibration issue as many sportsters do. Now it seems it vibrates much the same as a lot of others do.
5th geer at 60 image in mirror was always fuzzy but not double vision, now it is. 70 is ok and 50 is ok, hands off and hands on the bars.
50 in 4th vibrates , 40 in 3rd 30 in 2nd etc. RPM related. Out of geer same thing.

Sounds like the vibration may have been a result of the monor accident or the fallaway adjustment. Always had a little bit of vibration on my 07 SE, was told by many this is just a normal thing with sporties.
If you didn't have the vibration before the accident, then it stands to reason that something happened during the accident to cause it. What gear and what speed were you running when it happened? The range that it seems to be happening in sounds like it may be in the transmission. I think before I opened the tranny I would first look at the primary side and make sure that the chain doesn't have a tight spot (this would indicate that one or both of the shafts are bent). I would than check out the clutch and clutch basket, to make sure there are no cracks or bent plates. How is the shifting, are there any tight spots, like 1st to 2nd or 2nd to 3rd?
Shift is fine, no notable change.

Slow speed crash. Making r turn, likely in 2nd or 3rd, hit front brake hard and hit the curb. No wheel damage. I dont think is slid more than a foot or 2 on its side. I did not fall, stumbled off and ran it out across the street.

I had primary side off for inspection and did not note an issue. I adjusted tension on primary and checked it is several places and noted the same variation in tension as before.

Going to have the dealer ck it out just the same. May have them ck runout on the primary side.

Had a bad front bearing prior to accident, clunk sound like bad ball joint on a car. I noted rust stain comming from right front bearing and this was well before the accident. Fact the bike was tending to act funny in a faster speed turn. Any how i verified the bad bearing when i put on the jack after the accident. Pulled the wheel and had HD install 2 new bearings. Oddly enough i think the vibration showed up after the bearing change. I did ride it a couple of times after the accident and cant remember it vibrating. Wonder if the bad bearing helped mask the vibration?
Just a wee thought here if you went down on the right side you may have adjsted the exhaust system a wee bit as it should not touch the frame or it will transmit engine vibration
that is where i would start looking
