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Big Sucker Breather Bolts?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Anyone know of a source for breather bolts for a Ness Big Sucker that can be vented externally before I make some?
Ebay, Kury, and all the mcy. catalogs have them, but you probably don't want to wait for shipping. Two places I remember local to you are Fastenal on E.G. Blvd, and Daytona Nut & Bolt on Aurora Rd. Worth a look, IF they are still in business.
I made mine, and only messed one up by crooked drilling. Grade 5 is strong enough, and drillable.
Problem with the standard fare from all those listed is that they are for stock setup and the bolts aren't deep enough....
I made some out of grade 5 that had longer threads. Just cut off the excess.:s

Run a thread chaser on before you cut the bolts off, as you back the chaser off it will clear the threads even if you cut a bit of an angle or crooked, if you have no thread chaser a castellated nut put on back wards will work