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Bike Lift


New Member
I have an '06 Deluxe and want to raise it with my bike lift. Is there a special position I need to place the lift under the bike, or is anywhere on the lower frame OK?
Anywhere that it is only contacting the frame should be OK. Raise it slowly to observe the balance as it lifts off the ground. You may have to lower it and relocate the lift to get that perfect balance point. Use straps if you want added piece of mind. Also make sure you engage the lock on the lift if it has one so the bike doesn't slowly lower itself against your wishes. Remember if you remove anything from the bike while it's up (bags, wheels, pipes) that will also change the balance - another argument for using the straps.
If your going to keep the bike up for any extended period of time, make sure to use the locking device. This will prevent the bike from falling off should the hydraulics leak.
IMO the previous posts are great advice.

If your lift has some friction type locks or wheel locks, use them. My driveway has a slope and once my bike and lift started rolling down the slope! Caught if before disaster struck but was lucky to have dodged that bullet.
That's got to be a hair raising experience to see the bike ON the lift rolling down an incline. :34:
I have an '06 Deluxe and want to raise it with my bike lift. Is there a special position I need to place the lift under the bike, or is anywhere on the lower frame OK?

If your lift flats are not too wide, I suggest sliding the rear (left-hand) flat inside the cross member as long as you do not have a stabilizer occupying that location and your frame has one. If not, this is a suggestion to those with frames that do have a cross member.

Look at your lift and see if the pads can be moved. My Harbor Freight came adjusted to the inside but can be moved toward the outside. The wider the better IMO plus straps AFTER it is up. How do I know this? I'll let my nephew tell the story. Oh what the heck..he came out to the house to change his oil, put the lift under the bike strapped it down and started jacking. I walked in to the shop about that time...Kodak moment!!:bigsmiley24:

Live and learn. But he did use the straps.

I have never strapped my bike down and have never had a problem. How many others don't strap their bikes on a lift?
I remember the first time I took off my rear tire and saw the back end jump up 3-4 inches. Not a pleasent experience. Straps help, but can get in the way. Glider suggested I buy myself a cheap scissor jack as added support and thats what I did. When I lift my bike, I make sure the front end goes up 2-3 inches first, then use the scissor jack on the rear control arms to level it out. The bike is now very stable when elevated . I just have to remember to remove it when I lower the main lift.