Dino79, welcome to the HDTimeline forum. You will find a lot of fellow riders and enthusiasts who will share and help you troubleshoot and improve your ride. That said, you did 1/2 of the troubleshooting process, which was isolating the problem. You really should fix the cigarette lighter short to ground, likely culprits are cut insulation or frayed wiring. Pull the main fuse, then pull the accessory fuse. Don't know if you knew, the front part of a cigarette lighter shell unscrews, so you can disassemble it from front panel and the works. Inspect the socket, wiring contacts and clean up any corrosion or frayed wiring or burned parts.
Some people make the mistake that an accessory outlet is the same (it is NOT)...as a cigarette lighter outlet which uses a ceramic insulator (remember a pop out cigarette lighter has an extremely bright red hot heater element, and would "cook" the phenolic/plastic insulator of an accessory type outlet (which is only designed for 10A fuse tops) verses 25-30A fuse for an honest to gosh real cigarette lighter).