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Calling all Cross bones owners


New Member
Hello out there any, help welcome, I have a question for all of you. I have a 2011 Harley Crosssbones. In the owners manual it states that when you go to start the bike you...

1) turn the ignition to on.
2) push the run switch down. (directly after pushing the run switch down the yellow engine light is suppoosed to light up for approximately 4 seconds.)
3) Once the yellow engine light goes off you can press the start button and start the bike.

My question is. On my bike, the engine light only goes on about half the time and when it does go on it is usually for a split second. Also, it only goes on when I turn the ignition switch and not when I push the run switch down.

The dealer told me that most crossbones work this way and that it is not a problem. I thought I would do my own research and check with you fine people instead of taking there word for it.

How does it work on your bike?

Thanks for your help!!

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i also have a 2011 xbones and mine works like the manual says, when i turn the ing switch on the light comes on about the right time and no problems so far. i never use the handle bar switch so cant say about it.
that engine light is on while your fuel pump is pressuring up, sounds like your systems is holding pressure thats a good thing,you can check by pulling your 15 amp fuel pump fuse crank the engine till it dies turn everything off reinstall fuse restart see how long light stays on with fuel lines dry.
I have a 2009 and it starts per the manual. I usually leave my run switch on and just turn the ignition switch. The engine light stays on for 3-4 seconds, then it goes out and I start the bike.
just reread your post are you sure your going in the right sequence, turn run switch to off position with ign off, now turn ign to on position and then hit run switch to on light should come on while fuel pump is running.
Thanks for your replies every one. Yeah, Cool Breeze I am doing it exactly like you mentioned in your last post. The light goes on only about half of the time and not when it is supposed to go on. Weird. Does anyone know what the purpose for the light going on is? I dont want to make enemies with the mechanics at the dealership but I dont want to be taken for an idiot either.

Thanks again
with the ing switch in the off pos , put the run switch in the on pos and then turn the ing switch on see what happens
the light is on just to let you know the fuel pump is pressuring up. sounds like your fuel systems is holding pressure ,like i said before thats a good thing less wear and tear on fuel pump. if you dont ride for a few days in sure it will bleed down
I would not worry about what the owners manual says on this, again like they say it is a sensor which is looking at the fuel pressure. I just wait for the light to go out....couldn't tell you if it is 1 second or 60 seconds. Enjoy the bones and welcome to the site.
Don't compare your bike to any bike other than a 2011.

Up to and including 2010, what you describe WOULD be a problem to me. Up to 2010, there is no fuel pressure sensor in the system. The only possibility for your inconsistent boot sequence not to be a problem is that in 2011, HD finally incorporated a fuel pressure sensor. As of yet I have not seen the list of DTC's for 2011. The 2011 DTC list may now include "low/high fuel pressure" errors.

But on 2010 and earlier, there is no sensor in the system which determines or senses fuel pressure.

The click sound of the system relay, the stepping (parking) of the IAC motor, the fuel pump safety prime, the amber check engine light coming on for the proper time are all firmware steps within the ECM Boot process that should follow an exact sequence. Regardless of previous stored pressure, if the POR (power on reset) command is performed correctly by the ECM (and by the USER), the check engine light should follow the SAME sequence. ** Note: "properly by the USER is important"**

I would get my hands on a 2011 service manual and read up on the list of DTC's. See if "hi/low fuel pressure" is listed among the DTC codes for 2011. Also see if your bike has HDLAN (also new for 2011). But from what you have said so far, I would say you certainly have a problem or something worth checking into further.

The software for 2011 may have a loose screw in it, I don't know. But the Boot sequence should NEVER change from one POR to another. The boot sequence is something I listen for each and every time I start my bike. For me it is a "state of health" indicator.

I would check into it even if it just meant going to the dealership and flipping on several bikes just to see if what you have on your 2011 repeats on other 2011 bikes.