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Cold start clattering noise


New Member
I have been hearing a clattering noise towards the bottom front of engine on cold start. It seems to go away within 5 seconds or so, and can't hear it on restart, but it's bugging my brain as to what it is. Has anyone ever had this problem? (05 Road Glide).
Really need more Info: IE Mileage, Serviced items, ect... , but if you have around 28-35 K miles and haven't had the cam chain & adjuster checked... it's time.... Don't wait long. :(
Thanks for the info, HarryB. The cam chain and adj were high on my list, as I have about 28K and other people have mentioned this in the past. Back then it wasn't much of concern with lower mileage and everything running fine. Thanks again for the reply; will get right on it.
Yes I do, as a matter of fact; along with 91 octane. I will stop immediately. Did the noise stop for you when you quit? Thank you for the tip. I'll try anything before chuckn' out the bucks at dealer.