Leaving for Colorado 6/17, heading for Colorado Springs. Been wacthing the the news on the fires, does not look good. Has me concerned, this can ruin our trip!
Can anyone in that area give an update on just how bad the fire is?
It's pretty bad as of today, 360 home destroyed and 38,000 people displaced so far. It's still out of control and the winds keeps changing so the firefighters are chasing their tails. Fire is in a area called the Black forest just north of Colorado Springs.
KKTV - HomePage. This will at least allow some current info. Note the Royal Gorge fire on US 50 has 10 miles of that highway closed for now but some big events are pushing hard to have it opened. There is even money that this will be in the mop up phase by Monday. Optimist speaking
We now have three more and these mean business. 30 000 acres and a couple of towns are in the way. I'm very concerned because of the terain. We just rode through 149 Lake City to South Fork 2 weeks ago.