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Detachable Lowers Kit

Ya, I think I'm going to do it. Being here in Texas we really only need the lowers for one or two months at best. And sure as I take them off and wait 10 months to put them back on, some of the mount hardware will have grown legs.:D I like the idea of everything in one place. Don't know if that will stop things from growing legs still but maybe a better chance anyway.:bigsmiley12:
Any of you folks that installed the detachable lowers kit regret it? Was it worth the money?

I installed the HD detach kit (#58146-07) with my lowers four years ago and have yet to remove the lowers, except once to replace the crash bar. I would not recommend it unless you'll be detaching them frequently, and to determine that I would install the lowers without them and ride for six months in a trial period. The standard hardware requires only common tools to remove and I doubt if the detach kits will save much time.
I'm going to have to agree with iclick, it's quite a bit colder here in Illinois than Texas and I only put mine on when it gets really cold. It doesn't take that long at all. If it were me I would put the money towards something else.
Here in the south (Atlanta GA) I ride on the interstates a lot. Lots of FOD on the roads. I've been hit by a lot of FOD in the past and it hurts, even draws blood. I'll keep my lowers on.

I installed the HD detach kit (#58146-07) with my lowers four years ago and have yet to remove the lowers, except once to replace the crash bar. I would not recommend it unless you'll be detaching them frequently, and to determine that I would install the lowers without them and ride for six months in a trial period. The standard hardware requires only common tools to remove and I doubt if the detach kits will save much time.
Here in the south (Atlanta GA) I ride on the interstates a lot. Lots of FOD on the roads. I've been hit by a lot of FOD in the past and it hurts, even draws blood. I'll keep my lowers on.

For those not familiar with aviation terminology:

FOD = Foreign Object Damage
At first I thought it was nice having the ability to quickly/easily remove my lowers, but now I only remove them for thorough cleaning. With the vents they still cool nice + I've got hwy pegs to use, if I want to catch some air on legs. Mine pretty much never come off, but still like having quick release HW.