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Devices to scare the DEER


Junior Member
It seems we just cant escape running into those pecky Deers while riding.

In the lastest post, Sporster 1, Deer 0 there is contact and both deer and rider and luckily the rider rode it out with only minor body damage.

I have read about devices that are supposed to scare the deeer away.
Has anyone every used these devices and do they work.
Remington 870, model 700, BIG dog do just fine all them other products are ripp offs.
Studies here show LOUD pipes can cause more strikes. Sound scares them up on to road.
WE have a lot of deer in Wisconsin
Ditto on the Rem. 700. :s My only problem is carrying it on the bike. :D
Now is the time when we all need to be extra careful. Silly Season is rapidly approaching and the chase has begun.
The "boys" will be running with glassy eyes, and their nose to the ground, and the "girls" will be running in the opposite direction, doing their best to keep away.
Neither will be aware of their surroundings, and can come from any direction directly into your path.
Don't depend on any deer whistle being effective during the rut. Just like teenage boys, the deer only have one thing on their minds, and it ain't motorcycles!!
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remington model 7400 with 150 grains of jacketed lead.... Works great 6 dissapeared last year. Haven't seen them since.. Except at dinner time.....:newsmile108:
i second the loud pipes and guns. it is getting that time of year where they are starting to move around more and more. be careful out there.
My brother owned two 1997 Roadkings at the same time. He had a fobia of hitting a deer, hence he installed one of those plastic deer whistles between his front forks under the nacelle, and above the top of the front fender. In time while riding his Roadkings the telescoping action of the hydraglide front end resulting in the top of the fender meeting resistance with the deer whistle and the deer whistle won.:newsmile017:

Both bikes ended up with dents on the top of the fenders. Not a pretty sight. Hence I tell folk....beware of where you install deer whistles on your motorcycle.

Both bikes had to be repaired.:newsmile093: