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Dont leave bike outside and go to autoparts!


Active Member
I have a 2003 flstsi. The other day i left my bike outside after washing and cleaning it up. I went to the autoparts and returned very shortly. After returning and finishing my cleanup I decided to check the oil in my bike. Low and behold, water. walking around in a daze for a few minutes and talking to everyone in my beighborhood (no one saw anyone at my house) it appears that some one came along and ppoured about a bottle of water in my oil while i was gone! There was none in the gas tank. (i drained it to check) Does anyone have any ideas what else i need to look at before i crank it. I changed the oil and filter. Have only 2543 miles on the bike and have always used Harley synthetic. Any thing anyone can add to help me check will be helpful!:newsmile011::
hhmmm.....might want to check the seal on your dip stick. I'm not saying it didn't happen that way, just that there might be other possibilities.
I really don't think i got the water in the oil. too much. Looked about like one bottle that some one was drinking! I left the bike setting in driveway and went to autop in my truck. I never started bike before i found the water.
Do you live in a bad neighborhood??? I'd have to think there is another explanation. Has anything like this happened before?? Any other type of vandalism??
That would take a some nerve to do that to someones bike in broad daylight and think you wont get caught.Maybe there is another explanation.
That would take a some nerve to do that to someones bike in broad daylight and think you wont get caught.Maybe there is another explanation.

I'm with 03classic on this one. Just can't imagine anyone doing that in broad daylight. And why? Though once when I lived in San Fernando Valley there
was this guy that would go and come at all hours of the night and day on his bike making a whole lot of unnecessary noise. The whole block wanted
to trash his bike!!!!! After a couple visits by law enforcement, and I heard
a citation, he finally stopped being so obnoxious.

ride safe
I have a 2003 flstsi. The other day i left my bike outside after washing and cleaning it up...snip

You didn't happen to rinse it off with a high pressure hose did ya?
I have a 2003 flstsi. The other day i left my bike outside after washing and cleaning it up...snip

You didn't happen to rinse it off with a high pressure hose did ya?

I am also thinking you may have done it accidentally. If you rode it ...the engine would have been hot. Not too many would touch the engine coz of that...i mean they would have grabbed a glove are rag...and ppl being butt heads don't normal do something that will hurt themselves. Hope everything is ok for ya.
May have been an accident. Really believe someone did it! Actually live in one of the best and safest areas of this town. Small town alabama.