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Exhaust Slot/Hole? 2008 FLHX

Dr. Dolittle

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So yesterday morning, I roll the bike out of the garage for a nice ride before the next round of rain shows up in Georgia. It's chilly so I decide to start the motor and let it warm up for a minute or so. As it's idling and I'm donning the last of my gear, I notice something very unusual. In addition to the expected exhaust plume coming out the end of the 2 pipes into the cold morning air, there is a small plume coming from the pipe in front of the right saddlebag, pretty much under the passenger footpeg. I put my hand there and sure enough, there is a pressure pulse hitting my hand in perfect time with the idling motor. Being the optimist that I am, I figured it couldn't be super critical so I continued with my plan to ride.

This morning I go out to the garage and crawl under the bike with a flashlight and find a small slot right to the rear of a bracket/clamp in the area I previously described. It's definitely not a crack or a burn through of any kind. It's a machined-in slot that's very smooth to the touch.

Is this a case where the bracket/clamp was not put in the proper position to cover this slot? Should I just loosen the bracket/clamp and try to get it to cover the slot? Should I just take it straight to the dealer since I have 3 weeks left on my warranty? Anyone else ever find this?

It should be pretty obvious I'm no exhaust expert, by any stretch of the imagination! Any help is deeply appreciated!

Also, no codes being thrown and bike rode the same as it always has. Guess it's been this way the whole time I've owned it and I just never noticed it!

Tried to get some pictures to help you see what I'm talking about:


To me looks like the clamp is not in the correct position should be covering the slot
if you are getting some leekage there the muffler may not be fully seated on to the pipe
if it were me id pull it off and refit correctly but a muffler that hasnt been moved for a while may not want to move esily i always coat the area of the joint with copper grease it helps get them apart next time and they are off every bike at least once a year
however if its still under warranty you may want the dealer to correct the fit of all the parts

Dr.D; I just looked under my '07, and my clamp is just a bit opposite of yours. The slot shows a little at the front of the muffler. I'd just reposition the clamp further back. I doubt you can push the muffler on any further, as there's 2 bolts under the bag holding it in position.
Dr.D; I just looked under my '07, and my clamp is just a bit opposite of yours. The slot shows a little at the front of the muffler. I'd just reposition the clamp further back. I doubt you can push the muffler on any further, as there's 2 bolts under the bag holding it in position.

Thanks, I guess I feel a little better now knowing I'm not alone! I definitely was planning on attempting to move the clamp, not the muffler. I was going to get out my "fine tooth comb" anyway since I have 3 weeks of warranty left so I guess now I have item number one on my list!
Dr.D; I just looked under my '07, and my clamp is just a bit opposite of yours. The slot shows a little at the front of the muffler. I'd just reposition the clamp further back. I doubt you can push the muffler on any further, as there's 2 bolts under the bag holding it in position.

Totally forgot to ask - with your motor running, can you feel exhaust coming out of your slot, even though it's in a different position than mine?
Totally forgot to ask - with your motor running, can you feel exhaust coming out of your slot, even though it's in a different position than mine?

I just checked, nothing from either pipe connection. I bet if you get yours moved back a little it will seal.
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Just moving the clamp back would then cause the exhaust to follow the slot to the front of the clamp and then exit. Pretty sure you need to move the muffler forward abit and then reclamp.:s
Dr. D; like others indicate, sounds like your muffler/clamp aren't aligned quite right & it's causing the small leak. I wouldn't think the header pipe end was crimped b/c you haven't been cranking on the clamp. If you try a self-fix, make sure to get some high-temp silicone to re-seal the muffler/header joint & properly torque your clamp to spec. (40-60 ft. lbs.).
Thanks everyone. Definitely sounds like the concensus is that the muffler needs to be seated forward onto the head pipe a bit more vs. trying to do anything with the clamp.

I'm certainly not averse to trying to fix this situation myself, especially with Steve's great step by step guidance, but this sounds like something I'll let the dealer take care of since I'm under warranty until Feb 24th.