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Fixed the problems


Experienced Member
Thought I'd pass this on maybe help someone else as well.
Went for a ride last Friday, no problems. Restarted bike to park it, motor turned over really slow, hmm what's the problem. Took off the seat and checked the battery connections, sure enough negative side was loose, tightened it up problem solved.
Noticed the left rear taillight was not working as a running light, it did flash for directional signal and flashed when I turned off the motor.(I previously installed a HD pigtail which coverts the directional signals to running lights and brake lights). Started checking the wiring and connectors and one of the pins in the pigtail had come out of the socket, pushed it back in problem solved.
I'm not much of a wrench when it comes to bikes but if I can fix it anybody can, new guys read the forum here and go for the simple stuff first. Nuff said
Good fix, electrical issues can be a pain to find sometimes. Persistence and process of elimination is key to success.
It is always worth having a wee look at things when there is a problem and sometimes the fix is simple enough you just have to know whet you are looking at
Well done
