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Forward controls


Hi there,
Does anyone know if the forward controls on a new fatbob (or any other model for that matter) can be altered to suit a 29" inside leg. If they can, is that with stock parts, or would it be a custom job?
Any advice / info much apreciated'
PS If changing from mid controls to forward, can that be done to suit?
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What are you trying to do? Are you trying to extend them? I have a 27" inseam and the H-D forwards feel great.
Thanks for the reply JDPEagle, I think forwards on the Glide would be fine, it's the Fatbob I was really thinking of, it just feels that after so many miles it would be uncomfortable, the air intake seems to make me bend my leg round it instead of going straight to the peg.
I could be wrong, but I don't think that there is really that much difference between the Fat Bob and the rest of the Dyna family (lower body ergonomics-wise). Also, I have the custom, so it is the same larger gas tank as on the Fat bob.

I have a similar issue though with the air cleaner. The best thing to do is to go to a dealer and ask to sit on a few bikes with the forwards. That is what I did. The forward pegs do come out a bit more than the mids, so I am able to rest my heal on the outer portions of the forward pegs without my legs touching any metal (an advantage for us vertically challenged folks... forwards and highway pegs in one!).

I was in the same spot you are when I was deciding on whether or not to go with the forwards. I simply could not picture how my legs could possibly reach around the tank, a/c, frame, engine, etc. and be comfortable.

Best advice... go sit on a few bikes. I would bet that your mind will then be at ease, and you won't look back. Now, I can't see how I rode without them.