I know there are several posts on this subject, but I haven't seen any solutions. After a ride, my entire garage fills with gas fumes. I have to leave the garage door open until the bike cools down, at which time the fumes stop. I have traced it to the vapor vent line that ends at the rear tire. Apparently when you park your bike, the heat from the engine heats up the gas in the tank, causing it to vent gas fumes. On my 04 RK, the vent line comes out of the tank, follows under the console, under the seat and just in front of the battery, turns downward. Just below the elbow is a vapor vent valve. On mine, this valve just prevents anything from flowing backwards into the tank, but not out, so fumes are free to dump out of the vent line. There doesn't seem to be anything to prevent the fumes from flowing out of the tank and into the air (non-California model). Does anyone know if this is the way the system is supposed to work or am I missing something?