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Harley Davidson Open House Week


Anybody going to the Open House in York, PA?? I live in that area, and it's a great week/weekend. The parade through town is endlessly amusing, and should be done at least once by any Harley rider.
Anybody going to the Open House in York, PA?? I live in that area, and it's a great week/weekend. The parade through town is endlessly amusing, and should be done at least once by any Harley rider.

I was planning on being there as I am hoping to win the Bike from the "Ride With US" program. (I got two chances this year as I made it to all 40 dealers.)
But my boy is stationed at Fort Drum and going to Iraq soon so my wife and I are going there instead. I will be waiting for my phone to ring while I am away.
Sorry you can't make it, good luck for the son (he's a REAL American Hero), and good luck with winning the bike!
For what it's worth, it looks like the weather might pretty much suck, so maybe you're not missing much.
Sorry you can't make it, good luck for the son (he's a REAL American Hero), and good luck with winning the bike!
For what it's worth, it looks like the weather might pretty much suck, so maybe you're not missing much.

It was a better choice to be here for sure although weather was not too good the last two days. I still had a nice time with my son and grandkids. I am still here at fort drum. Leaving to come home this afternoon. Oh and phone never rang so I guess it was just wishful thinking on winning the bike. I still had a fun time visiting the 40 dealers. SO, how was the party?
Pretty soggy! It's still really wet here. Friday night the parade went off, but participation was down as it was actively raining. I play in a band, we had a gig downtown and it was OK but generally the weather kept it pretty quiet compared to previous year's.
We were out yesterday, caging it, and we saw very few bikes on the road and lots and lots at motels, hotels, and bars! Can't say I blame them!

I've ridden in the rain plenty over the years, got caught in the snow even (as it was just starting--made it home but it was tense!), and I'm probably going to take the new SG out today and get it "christened". It's just not my first choice for a ride with the wife!

You made a good, and the right, choice!