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harmon cardon CB


I am looking for the printed circut board information for the CB that tells the location or RV __ address for the modulation gain transistor . It can be found for Midland and Cobra CB,s . It seems as if it is propriotary information. It seems that the Dealers we have contacted do not make repairs or adjustments. They send the radios out for repair.

My intent is to adjust the modulation gain so that a womens voice will get out there with improved clarity. And if it increases the total distance for communication , all the better. We already use aftermarket tuneable antennas and have the SWR .s under that 1.5 from chanel 1 to chanel 40 on each of our ultras.

You may want to use good ole Google to find a place that repairs these CB radios. I did a quick one and found a few. I'd call them and ask. Worst they can say is no.

But it sounds like you got your SWR pretty much under control.

I got a HAM radio license, and plan getting a small Yaesu unit for my '07 FLHTCU. CB is alright, but I can have more fun on 2m and 440m.
Thank you for the response. I have found that the actual information is propriatry to the motor company. I found that one of the actual harmon cardon authorized repair facilities will not sell you component repair parts.
Or dispense any information pertaining to the Midland model numbered CB units that are for harley applications. I am hoping someone has taken the CB cover off and made trial or error discoveries to locate the correct potentiometer / adjustabel transister.
