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Hawg Wired, Hogtunes or Harleys Boom?


So confused! Looking on opinions between Hawg Wired, Hogtunes and Harleys Boom. I am going to replace all 4 speakers in my 2011 Road Glide Ultra along with adding an amp or amps. I am not sure if I want to add the lower fairing speakers or not. The stock system just doesn't sound good (distorted) to me at highway speeds. Any suggestions would help and I'm am sure whatever I upgrade to will be better than stock.

Thanks in advance
I have the Hogtunes amp and speakers. Install was a breeze and sound quality is great.
I have the Harley boom speakers in all 4 holes on my ultra, and they are less than desirable for me. good friend has hog tunes on an ultra and i did not think they were much better at hiway speeds, honestly don't know if he has an amp or not. Had a bud goto sturgis with us last year with j & m speakers/amp....on the two lanes i could hear his tunes when he was behind me. I'm sure i'll be looking for j&m's this winter.
J&M Audio Roker Series!!! 7 1/4 inch speakers and their amp!!! GF has Hogtunes amp and tweeter pod with Kicker speakers, both systems rock well BUT!! Her’s doesn’t compare to the J&M
how would hogtunes amp work along with the boom audio speakers? booms fairing amp is back ordered with no release date.

sorry about the hi-jack
Thanks for the replies, gives me some extra options to think about.

Steve07, which model of Bose are you using? 131 marine speakers, how was installation?
i just put hog tunes speakers in my 11 SG and im not impressed for the $$$. now, no amp just speakers. there a little louder and dont distort quite as quickly as the factory ones.
What causes the distortion of the speaker sound at highway speeds is the wind interfering with the movement of the cones. This can be alleviated to some degree by putting a wind break around the back of the speakers inside the fairing. But ensure it is not something like fiberglass that will hold water. The 1/4" packing material (poly foam) works well. Keep it loose.

With respect to the speakers, I put the inexpensive Pioneer TS-G1343R 5.25-Inch 2-Way Speakers in all four speaker locations. At less than $50/pair, they are a good deal in my book.

I put the Harley boom audio on my Heritage, with the satilite radio hooked to it the volume was poor, I tried an I-pod on it with the volume on the I-pod turned up, problen solved.
imho, you need an amp with any of them.
Face it, you're not sitting in Carnegie Hall so spending really big bucks is a waste of money unless you are building a show bike.