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HD T Shirt Irony

Dr. Dolittle

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I've read and heard that the Street Glide is Harley's best selling bike. I'm not sure if that's 100% true but I do know it's a HUGE seller. I was looking through my T shirt "collection" and realized not a single one of them depicts a Street Glide! Lots of Heritages and Road Kings but no Street Glides!

Do any of you have a shirt with an FLHX on it? Where's it from?
My neighbor has a Street Glide and quite frankly I'm not that impressed with it.Kinda boring looking to me,but that's just me.
I have b een looking for one with Street Glide on it too. I started looking when I got my SG 3 weeks ago. I can't find one. If anybody does find one let me know where, I would like to order one. Oh, and I would say the SG is lean and mean not boring. I think it is a perfect combination of style and function.
I haven't seen one either, but would like to have one. As for looks, i think the Street Glide is about the best looking fairing-bike they make; sporty, not gawdy, and doesn't look like all the "geezer" glides out there. :D
I'm not trying to offend anyone either:D:D
but I think they're hard to find 'cause most the guys who ride Street Glides wear button up shirts and slacks, not T-Shirts.:p Just kidding!!:breakdance