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Heated grips


Active Member
I don't know if I have a problem with them or not. I bought and had the dealer install heated grips when the bike was in for a complete service in January.
The heated grips heated right up when I started the bike. Saturday, we rode a for a while and they didn't heat up..I thought, maybe the fuse was shot but then, on the way home, they just started working again...Today...not working
Are they on their own , built in Thermostat? Too warm for them to 'kick on' ( they do have a 1-6 dial. Thanks for any info.
There has been a problem with HD heated grips for awhile now. One dealer in NH told me he stopped carrying them until because they all became defective at some point. I found this out AFTER I put a set on my bike. I've had mine for 2 years now and so far, so good but I expect them to fail at some point.

Since the dealer installed them, I'd go back to them and have them either install a new pair or refund you your money.

If you strike out there, go out and order some Heat Demons from J&P or Dennis Kirk. They are heating elements that go inside your handlebars and they work great.

I installed a pair of the GF's bike 2 years ago and they are still going strong. Never heard of a pair of these failing and I did my research.

Good luck.
I had a pair on my bike for a about 4 months when they failed. I did some reasearch and found that they have a tendency of collecting water in the grip with the thermostat thus causing the internals of the grip to rust etc....

The good news was my dealer handed me a new set no questions asked.

Seem to working fine so far. However I did put a bead of clear silicone on the end of the grips to hopefully stop any water from getting in again.

P.S. Now when I wash the bike I make sure the grips are covered with plastic.
If I can give you some advice about the heated grips, don't bother with them. They usually last a year or two and die then.

If you think about keeping your hands warm, give this some thought like I did.
The grips keep your palms warm while the back of your hand is getting blasted by the cold oncoming air. Heated gloves have the heating element on the backside of the glove where the cold air hits your hand. Which would you think would work better?

I chose the Gerbing G3 cloves with the controller, can't be beaten for comfort.
I appreciate the info..Real sorry to hear the heated grips don't hold up..They were a xmas gift from my wife.. I will check with the dealer. I have a feeling it's another 30 day electronic type thing. When I got the bike last Summer, I bought a brand new headset..Worked 5 times..then quit. Over 30 days and my $204 was money lost. Dealer wouldn't do anything about them. Live and learn.
Thanks again guys.
I just ordered Polly heated inserts for the Ultra. We've had them in all our bikes and I've installed on a few others. Never have failed. . . not once! If you want heated grips, might want to check 'em out. Cheap too! Takes a bit to install them, but once you're done, you are done. The ones on the Dyna have been installed since 2000 and the RK, which I don't have anymore, still work great according to the buyer. (my brother) Under $40 bucks!
Ugly John
When installed at the dealer they have a 1 yr warranty, I went through 3 sets before the dealer admitted they have problems, I contacted customer service at the factory, they got ahold of the dealer and I got full credit towards 2 sets of heated gloves, and my hands are much warmer.
Glider what do those gloves plug into? Is it cumbersome? I would go with your sugestion as opposed to the heated grips after reading how they fail in short order.
You can use a battery pack or wire the bike with an outlet for the gloves to plug into. It's really no problem as long as you unplug before dismounting.

You can see the plug on mine to the rear of the rear cylinder mounted to the frame.
