New Member
Well Howdy y'all, how ya doin? Glad to be here! Hope to learn a lot, maybe help somebody out, share some laughs and trade some stories of the road. My scooter is my therapy, my escape, my freedom, my fun, my hobby, my toy, my conversation starter, my ride. I came to the hard cold realization that not everyone aspires to own and ride a Harley (don't ask me I don't understand it either!). And so I adopted the saying "ride what you like and like what you ride". My riding buddies are a Yamaha, a Honda, and Triumph. Ahem! I of course own the classiest ride
No doubt they will argue that point, but it's all good fun, we are good friends and we have a blast when we get together. Our movie is "Wild Hogs" (boy does that fit us), and our song is George Straits "Cowboys Like Us". Y'all take care & be safe out there!