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Ignition Problem


New Member
I have a 2002 Ultra Classic that has left me stranded twice in the last 1000 miles. Each time there is no spark at either plug but after sitting for anywhere from an hour to as short as 15 minutes the engine will fire up and run smoothly until the next event. I have had it to the dealership and they have found no problems. The engine light is not on and there are no codes. The lights, radio, starter , etc. are operational while the no run condition exists.

Any ideas?
Another place to check is the plug on the ECM, remove it and check for corrosion and that it is installed properly and tight.
Replaced coil and system relay. Have put a few miles on bike but too early to tell. No problem after 250 miles. Will update as needed.
Normaly when the coil gets real hot, a wire can become brittle and will shut down the flow of current and when it cools it becomes a conducter again.
I would check ignition swite wires under the panle on the top of the fuel tank they come lose I had to use zip ties to keep them tight.