free website stats program KEY STUCK IN FORK LOCK FAT BOB 2009 | Harley Davidson Forums



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The key is stuck in the half way position in the fork lock. I tried everything and it only moves back and forth a little bit. Im going to try tapping the key with a hammer and turning when I get home tonight. I'm a mechanic and it is not corrosion as it will move freely, but it is like locked in the center position. I tried to remove it per the manual, but when it try to rotate the lock assembly clockwise the pin is out just enough to hit the frame. I can tap it with a hammer to get it past the frame but don't want to permanently jam it in there. You can see in the pics I have everything loose.

I'm having problems finding videos or detailed explanations on how to fix or remove this, can anyone help?
Well... I'll pass on my experience with this type of issue. I had the same thing happen with the steering head lock on my road king. The key got stuck half way between locked and unlocked. I finally got it to unlock. The next time I locked it, the key would not turn to unlock. After 2 hours of messing with it trying to turn the key, it unlocked. I pulled the headlight housing off to see what was going on and when I disassembled the lock, half the lock and pins fell out in my hand. The lock had split on half causing it to jam.
A friend of mine use to lock his Forks all the time. Couple of those times forgetting that it was locked and riding away he ended up falling over and breaking off the PIN in the head that would lock the forks.
It sounds to me like one of the wafers in the cylinder is stuck. You could go to a locksmith and buy a can of dry lube and spray quite a bit down in there to clean it and see if it'll free it up.
We recently had a Toyota that the cylinder was doing the same as yours and that is all it took to fix it.
Thanks, I will try that. I havnt had time to look at it yet, but I plan on trying to unjam it then remove and replace it with new. I'm just not exactly sure how it comes out of the frame as the manual is a little vague.
I have searched high and low for a video and can find none for the Dyna series with this style of fork lock. I might try stopping by the dealer, but usually the mechanics are not to forthcoming with info on how to repair stuff.
I managed to remove the lock using a small sledge hammer and a punch. First I had to get the key out, so I used a pair of vise grips and forced the key to turn and ripped it out of the lock, then I had to slide the gas tank back out of the way and remove the plastic access piece in the frame and reach in and work the lock out, turning it clockwise. What a terribly cheap design, very disappointed that Harley designed this so terribly. I'm going to install a new one, but I will never use the lock again in fear of failure.


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Here is an update for anyone interested. I finally got the new fork lock as it took almost a month to get the part and installed it. Even the new lock, before I installed it, was sticking a bit as it crossed the center position. I will never use it again, but at least it is back in the bike and the bike is whole again. It is a terribly designed lock by Harley and this is too bad as it could lead to you to being stranded if the lock fails on a ride! It also did not come with a new metal sticker for the face and I had to order that for $12. Jeez, Harley really gets you on parts pricing...