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Lap top crashed


Active Member
Maybe yall can help. I have an older lap top think heck I dont even recall what kind was given to me a few years back when a family member got a new 1. The only thing I use it for is to open up the PCIII on my bike and make small changes to my MAP. BUt my kids triped over the cord and unpluged it and it lost power(battery dosnt work) and now it wont sart up brings up the reboot screen then goes to the windows XP loading screen then right back to the to reboot. Told it prob fried the hard drive if that is the case its trash cause it anit worth a new hard drive but I woould hate to have to buy a new laptop just to open and save fuel maps. Is there any way to tell if it is the hard drive fried or any other way to try to get it to start up?
Sounds like xp has got corrupt first thing to do is to boot off a windows xp boot disk
when it gets to the windows install screen select the third option r which will load the windows recovery consol
it will ask which windows installation to repair type 1 then press enter this will bring you to a dos prompt in the windows installation
type chkdsk /p this will force check disk to do a full check of the hard drive it will give a report of any findings at the end
then type exit to reboot the laptop

if that does not work there are more stuff to try

It could be the HD, but have you tried starting it in 'Safe Mode'?
Don't remember exactly, but try F4, F6 or F8 (hold it for a few sec during start-up, and you should get a basic menu up).
Your best bet to see if it's the HD is to try it with another PC ( a repair shop can take it out and test it).
Thank both of yall for the addvise I will give all of that a try gonna have to do a little hunting to find a reboot disk tho.
It could be the HD, but have you tried starting it in 'Safe Mode'?
Don't remember exactly, but try F4, F6 or F8 (hold it for a few sec during start-up, and you should get a basic menu up).
Your best bet to see if it's the HD is to try it with another PC ( a repair shop can take it out and test it).

Should be F8 for Safe Mode - Hold it down after you get through the CMOS (basically once you see "stuff" start to show on the screen when you're booting).

Safe Mode should tell you if you do have a major problem (if it can't load into Safe Mode) or possibly just a corrupt file. It could be a partial Hard Drive failure, but if Windows starts to load at least the boot sectors and part of the space containing Windows is still good...

Also, if the battery isn't working - try pulling it (the battery) out competely and booting with just the power connected... I've seen situtations where a dead (non-chargable) battery can cause "wierd" reactions - laptop should run fine without the battery in as long as you have it plugged up.
Any xp boot cd will allow you to get into recovery consol but the next thing to try after that is a repair install which will require the correct version of xp it will be either xp home or xp profesional you wil also need the xp licence key usually on alable on the base of the laptop however these often get rubbed out by the years of sitting on a lap
