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lost signal light

have you checked the bulb. A bad bulb could throw a code for the tssm and cause the key light to stay on.
that key light staying on means you have a current fault code in your tssm. if you hold in your odometer button and turn the key on, you will go into diagnostic mode on your console. if you follow the instructions in the link you should be able to figure out what the code is.
Have you done any mods to the bike.....I.E. changed the grips, or handle bars?
It's usually either a bulb, the bulb socket or the wire or ground for that light that isn't working. Test the socket with a test light.
Mine did this when the wire came unclipped under the rear guard and rubbed through. Code (when I checked it) said that it had gone to ground.

Found bare patch in wire, repaired, all good.
check all wires... check all connectos.. all good.. no power still.... disconnect powere feed to the tail litght all went out .... connect back .. all working ... flashing light ..light on dash went out ... still donot know what cause this ..but is workink for now