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Lowered Street Bob


Bought my Street Bob lowered, I was told I may have problems with fitting saddle bags with it lowered. Also if I "un-lower" it I was told it would handle a lot better. Anyone have experience in this area?
My Street Bob isn't lowered. As far as the bags height... I would always mount my bags to clear parts they might hit if your shock bottomed out. Lowering the rear will not affect the height your bike bottoms out. Just how quick it gets there.

I have forward controls and I've rubbed my boots when cornering hard, especially on slower 90 degree turns. With your bike being lowered you can expect things to scrape a little sooner. Especially pegs, boots and low hanging pipes.
Bought my Street Bob lowered, I was told I may have problems with fitting saddle bags with it lowered. Also if I "un-lower" it I was told it would handle a lot better. Anyone have experience in this area?

We lowerd my neighbors 08 Streetbob, He did not like it, out it back to stock. He complained of it bottoming riding 2 up, it looked good but it is syock again, Good Luck
Just for curiosity...
The Street Bob IS low!
How did you further lowered her???
Are there shorter shocks around?
Doesn't the rear tyre scratch on the fender??
Just curious...
Thank you and ciao
Just for curiosity...
The Street Bob IS low!
How did you further lowered her???
Are there shorter shocks around?
Doesn't the rear tyre scratch on the fender??
Just curious...
Thank you and ciao
I bought it lowered - there are triangular blocks under each of the rear shocks. No rubbing or anything like that, but as mentioned above bottoming out is an issue as well as cornering. I think if you are a shorter rider it helps... previous rider was 5' 7" or so, I'm 6' so i don't really need it... i don't think...
I am going to go back to stock.