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Marks on Air Cleaner Chrome

I wear chaps when I ride my 08 Ultra and apparently my leg rubs against the chrome air cleaner cover. This has left marks that I cannot remove with a chrome cleaner like Mom's. At first I thought it was a flaw under the clearcoat but my service manager showed me how my leg rubs against it and that it probably made the marks. Any ideas on removing them without scratching the chrome???
a polishing cloth like a jeweler uses .. wont scratch and will polish it more
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I wear chaps when I ride my 08 Ultra and apparently my leg rubs against the chrome air cleaner cover. This has left marks that I cannot remove with a chrome cleaner like Mom's. At first I thought it was a flaw under the clearcoat but my service manager showed me how my leg rubs against it and that it probably made the marks. Any ideas on removing them without scratching the chrome???

Those marks on the chrome are there forever. You cannot remove marks in chrome and there is no clear coat on chrome. Chrome is something like 1 or 2 mils thick and cannot have marks polished out without most times going through the chrome to the nickel plating underneath which is what gives the plating the "chromium" look. The top coat is opague in character to show the nickel underneath.

You could always cut a piece of the clear adhesive backed protective coating made by 3M and curve it like a half moon when you cut it , then place it on the chrome where you rub when riding.
Thanks Smitty..I hadn't thought of it that way. I'll try the jeweler cloth Bud, thanks.

Glidee...I was told by someone that the chrome was clearcoated and thanks for you description of how it is constructed. I guess I'll have to live with it...