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Most likely state to get a speeding ticket

With New York State in a financial budget in place yet....I would not be surprised to see that #7 move up next year. Those State boys are throwing paper like a ticker tape parade. Be careful on the interstates.
All the States I plan to visit this summer are way down the list. Best of all the state next to Alberta, Montana is at the very bottom.
Just don't speed! I know I'm going out on a limb here, but the only times I've gotten into a tight situation on the road was when I was going too fast for conditions or the road. Maybe because I'm getting older and heal much slower :D, I try to ride safe so I will be able to ride as long as possible.
Hmmm...seems to be more an issue of population then speeders. Notice the top 10 are heavily populated areas, so naturally you are going to have bigger police forces and more people likely to speed.

Easier solution is as said...don't speed...unfortunately for me I try not to, but the temptation is too great or just the desire to get in front of the idiots on the road. Just be safe out there and keep eyes all around you, regardless of your speed.
Texas is pretty hot for speeding tickets. There are speed traps all over the place, but they seem to be cracking down on the small towns that are above average. Mostly its the crotch rockets. I have not had a problem on the cruiser.
Florida...tell me about it! My son got rid of his small car and went ahead and got a pick-up. The cops in our area hit the kids around here hard. He got a ticket last year for an improper lane change. When he asked the cop what that meant, he was told he didn't turn on his blinker soon enough for the lane change and the cop threw the ticket in the window at him. How many times a day do you see people actually use their blinkers? One place in our area is a known speed trap area, Shalimar, Fl. They just sit at the bottom of the bridge into town and stop people for speeding due to a speed drop in that area. They also ticket every kid's radio they can hear that passes thru town. Yes , he got one of those too. I really faulted him for that since his friend had just gotten the same ticket. Oh yeah, this is a spring break, tourist trap area, and the tourism is down thanks to BP. Guess they'll be handing out even more tickets now!:nosad
Ohio should be a lot higher! They are terrible, especially if you are out of State!