free website stats program mpg | Harley Davidson Forums



I have an 07' FLHT with stage 1 kit and v&h true duals with big city thunder baffles have noticed mpg in the 30 to 32 range do ride 2 up most of the time. CheckEd plugs to look for signs of running too rich plugs look normal. Any ideas what could be causing this poor mileage?
Check the self help section. Days of info to be had in it on this topic and many others.

Riding style, city or highway, wind, and terrain all play a part.

You did not mention the type of fuel management. That would be very helpful in a diagnosis. Do you have a fueler of some type? You speak of a "stage one kit" fuel management is a crucial part of stage one.
I have the dealer stage 1 download.


Quiet Frankly, that is like saying to me, I don't get good mileage and I really don't care to go look at what is offered that WILL improve my mileage.:newsmile100:

I thought the IDEA of helping you here was to have you read or understand what HELP is here..

MANY here think the Down Load Harley offers is Just NOT what is needed, waste of $$ in My book.

I'm Not trying to sell you something here, but give you Helpful information.........

GO LOOK !!!!!!!:34: Read the Beta on the Gen4.
