ok to start this off i put the big sucker stage one a/c on the sporty the other day , started it up and other then me hearing it suck air
there was no real diff in the way it ran . it did pop a few times before it warmed up . i took it down the road no more than a mile run and I could tell it had more get up and go to it . now the bike was bought from a dealer, and it had SEII slip ons when it was bought . I taking the advice of a few ppl on the sight, who i think everyone trust . took the bike(hauled)to a friend who has been ridding Harleys for as long as i been alive to do the jet work for me . well he had the bike two days and called me today saying he had it ready to get picked up , and that it wasnt the jets that was the problem but it was a lil out of time ??? He got it tweeked in and its running strong . now i know a lil about cars and i know you can tweek it for diff things . i just dont know what to do . i dont know if the dealer ship jeted the bike or maybe the first owner did and put the stock a/c back on it when traiding it in . he said it didnt need jeted it was the timming that was off . im picking up the bike in the AM and i dont know if i should go ahead and ride it or what . im realy at a loss on what to do , i dont want to run it lean and mess the motor up . but i dont want to act like i think hes full of $#!t and he dont know what hes doing either , he is a good friend and he has his own shop . need some help with this one guys