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New diaphram for fuel on/off valve

The valve on my on/off valve which is vacuum operated sprung a leak.I stopped at a harley shop and they had the entire valve assembly and also a kit to eliminate the valve.All I wanted was a new diaphram to repair the original one.Anyone know where to get one?
The vacuum diaphragm does not come separately. That is why you can order older valve petcocks without the diaphragm (from older models, but still have the "Reserve" and "OFF" position, which is preferred by many "seasoned" riders) vs new model.

Just replace the assembly, at least you get new valve AND screen with OFF and RESERVE (even PRIME in some cases) if you opt for an older model replacement...for turning OFF the fuel manually for long term storage and less complexity with no worry about leaky rubber diaphragm that goes bad in about 5-7 years. Worst is leaking fuel, letting it drain into the engine and diluting the works, to most common...developing leak so bike runs like it is starved of fuel.
You would think that someone has these diaphrams,the valve assembly is so easy to dis- assemble and assemble.

Not worth the trouble. On metric brand "Y" bike you could replace the diaphram, problem was if you put it on ever so slightly off, it would have a "wrinkle" that would eventually leak again in about a year or so...(just the slightest pinch from one of the screws catching it in the threads slightly was enough). The second time it leaked I did not catch it in time and had to replace the starter, drain the engine cylinders and sump of oil/gas and my garage floor...Don't ask...:small3d012: