Jack, I don't disagree with the logic of upgrading when the opportunity presents itself but we may differ on what the upgrade should be. IMHO, the only "upgrade" to chain drive cams and plastic tensioners, hydraulic or spring loaded is gear driven cams providing crank runout will allow. Anything else remains a "consumable" piece of hardware that requires monitoring. I do understand the improvement of the hydro/roller chain setup over the early spring loaded setup; however, the cost to upgrade to gear driven cams is not much more than upgrading to the hydro/roller chain setup and completely eliminates the need to keep an eye on tensioner wear, forever.
This is one area where the fact that the MoCo bean counters have more corporatesway than the MoCo engineers is obvious. If the engineers had their way, these motors would come from the factory with gear driven cams. However, that would require tighter quality control on crank shaft manufacture, God forbid, that might mean that the crank manufacture could not be outsourced to an off shore vendor and actually made in the USA.

But, then again, even though that would be great for the customer, the added cost would hit the bottom line, affect sales revenue and share price

and the MoCo couldn't sell all those shiny bright orange billet cam plates.
OK, off the soap box.