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oil & air filter

Sounds like you might be overfilled. (I had the same issue when I got my 07 RK- previous owner overfilled oil. ) I tried pulling some of the oil out with a cooking dropper...forgive me, but I am drawing a blank on proper term...:O

I eventually just decided to drain all the fluids and do a full oil change. I have not had any issues since. Good luck! And I am sure some of the guys with far greater knowledge than I will be along soon.
+1 Joy. Also OP did not state whether or not he may have a air filter like a K&N that you clean and reoil. It has been known to over oil filter and it runs out of housing....
More info needed, how many miles, what kind of filter, is your oil level full to the top? Welcome to the Forum. Toomuch oil in the tank can cause carry over to the filter especially after a hard ride. If you find the oil level too high in your tank you may try a turkey baster to suck out some oil, try running 1/2 qt less oil, check the condition of the breather hoses from the heads to the back of the filter
Joy, were you referring to a "turkey baster"? :D I love it when a woman can respond quicker to a Harley problem, than she can think of a kitchen tool's name. That's the HDT kind of Woman!
Joy, were you referring to a "turkey baster"? :D I love it when a woman can respond quicker to a Harley problem, than she can think of a kitchen tool's name. That's the HDT kind of Woman!

1 of these will get er done
My air filter is a ness, oil down to half when cold.

If you have a stock filter, follow the washing outlined in your owners manual. If the area where the head breather hoses attatch is plugged up the oil mist has no where to go but drip out JMO
I've been a long time Milling the idea to Run the vents into one hose and drop it under the bike.... I know algore won't catch me....:s

I was REALLY Shocked after looking into my intake manifold when I replaced to a New 2012 used unit I purchased. Oil caked and grit on the inners of the manifold.

Venting to the ground is NEEDED or a can... To the ground for me.:bigsmiley25: To say nothing of all the carbon it will eliminate on the pistons/valves...
