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Oil Pressure Guage


Active Member
Just installed a new Oil Pressure Guage last night and was wondering what are the correct pressures on cold start-up and idle? as well as when the bike is at its normal operating temperature idle and lets say 60 mph?
Just installed a new Oil Pressure Guage last night and was wondering what are the correct pressures on cold start-up and idle? as well as when the bike is at its normal operating temperature idle and lets say 60 mph?

I pretty much have the oil pressures shown in the link Glider provided to you above. However, I installed the Baisley spring (the #2) when I replaced the outside cam chain tensioner that had nuked. With the Baisley spring, I think my pressures are higher than stock on this oil pump/cam plate configuration. Your bike should have the "new" oil pump and cam support plate (with hydraulic tensioners!), so all of the info below may be irrelevant to you.

Cold starts, engine oil pressure over 40psi idle, close to 55psi at 2500-3000 rpm.

Warm engine (150-170*F), around 15psi idle, close to 45psi at 2500-3000 rpm.

Hot engine (210*F or higher), around 7-10psi idle, close to 30 psi at 2500-3000 rpm.

All the temps above are oil temp at the tank sensor. Pressures are from the OEM oil pressure gauge on the dash.