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Oil Suggestions For Harleys

Red line is also a good brand of oil. Just not as available as something like Mobil1 V Twin when you need it.
Being new to riding and owning an "older" class of bike, what would be the best suggestion some of you could give me for my engine oil. I am not mechanically inclined as a lot of you are here but I can change my own oil, just not sure what to use. I have a 94 Sportster with 22k miles on it. I have the HD chrome oil filter to put on it but no oil as of yet. I see a lot of guys saying they use Mobil 1 Full Syn. Please any suggestions will help. My manual calls for the HD oil 20w50
Spectro also sells a GL 1 oil for use in the HD trans also.
API service classifications range from GL-1 through GL-5, with the number indicating level of service severity. GL-1 is the least severe, and its requirements are normally satisfied with motor oil. GL-2 requirements are met with rust and oxidation inhibited oils. GL-3 through GL-5 require the addition of extreme pressure (EP) additives, with higher GL numbers indicating a higher level of EP additive. The MT-1 classification requires good performance in high-temperature applications.

I've never read Mikes comments but this particular oil is sold as "6 speed oil" so there's a bit of contradiction there. It would be interesting to direct this same question to Mike to see what he comments about it.

Here's some input on the rating of the various lubes. It's not a recent posting but may give you a better understanding.

GL gear_lube_designations.pdf

API Service Classifications

Truck manual transmissions (engine oil)

Worm gear drive, industrial gear oils*
Manual transmissions and spiral bevel final drives*
Manual transmissions, spiral bevel and hypoid gears in moderate service. 50% additive treat level of GL-5
Moderate and severe service on hypoid and other types of gears. May also be used in manual transmissions

Meant for severe service involving high-offset hypoid gears*
Nonsynchronized manual transmissions in heavy-duty service
back in the day it was 90 wt in motor, gl5 gear oil in trans. primary was belt or open chain..