You can get it cheaper ($9.50) a quart but the only time you are really going to make out is when you combine an order with some other parts to get the total amount above a $250 order. Then there is no freight and tax. Current MSRP for that oil is $10.49/qt. You really should not be paying over MSRP if your in the U.S.
That is what I have always done. I can't stand paying freight. Whatever the order requirements are for "Free Freight" is, I will spend that much even if it means buying parts I don't need right now.. Add on top of that no sales tax and "I'm there".
That same oil is available by the gallon: SYNTHETIC LUBRICANT,GALLON
99824-03/00GL for like $37 a gallon. MSRP $41.95. That wouldn't be HD SYN 3 oil is it?
I think that is the oil everyone says to stay away from, but not sure.
couldnt agree more, ive definately got some things i need to order, so the $250 minimum order wouldnt be a problem. where would i go to order that, by the qt or by the gallon and get the prices you mentioned above? freight costs is money lost as far as im concerned.
yes, it is the hd syn 3 oil, which i use in the engine, but do not, under any circumstances put that in my primary or trans.
thanks again!![]()
Wise choice there JMO:s
Jack, I thought Syn 3 was bad news for any type of oil compartment?
Its not the best and not the worst it is claimed to be true syn but has been proven wrong and is a Hugo Chavez money maker. I know a few been running it for some time now with no ill affects yet read yet?:s
i agree, amsoil and mobil1 vtwin i have heard are far better or atleast as good and more readily available than the hd oil depending on where you live. theres the age old arguement though, which is better, lol. i still use the syn3 in my engine, and most of my buddies who rely on me to service their bikes, prefer syn3 for whatever reasons.. so i keep it on hand to sasify them.
once again, you guys rock, lots of info and quick to help. thanks Hoople and Jack! ill get with lakeshore tomorrow and see if i can haggle them outta a few cases of oil, filters, gaskets and whatever other misc items i can talk myself into "needing" at the moment.