I've been trying to track down some issues on my 05 Electra glide standard and have been pretty much chasing my tail. Instead of posting a question about this right off the bat I've been reading & searching posts on the site to try and steer me in right direction but here I am:eam First my issues started with crazy cornering and overall handling and it ended up being steering neck bearing nut being FINGER TIGHT...well that took care of that but the bike has a vibration from idle to around 1500-1800rpms. Not wheels or tires, you can turn bike off going down the road and it's smooth as silk. Few weeks back I installed one of the progressive rear stabilizer, could it be possible my vibrations are coming from that? But back to my alignment issue, the bike still handles funny compared to when I bought it earlier in the year. Well a buddy was riding with me and was following me and says rear tire isn't tracking same as front. Said it's over to left hand side more(if standing behind bike). And yes before it's asked, it is a rebuilt bike....In my opinion I do not think this is the culprit. Damage was minor to the front. They replaced fender, forks, & triple trees only. Only reason trees were replaced was because owner found deal on entire used front end with forks & trees. It handled fine when I bought it and have only put 6k on it. Also noticed last week the drive belt wasn't centered on sprocket, it was slightly over to right hand side of sprocket. Sorry for long post but it's driving me nuts!! Can anyone gimme a lil insight???!!!