Hello to all. I have a 2003 Roadking FLHRPI that my wife bought me for my 50th B-Day. It is classic black/white. I recently had some electrical problems. The electrical system suddenly quit charging up the battery, so when the battery lost it's voltage the motor bogged out and died. I bought a new battery and that worked till the battery died. I then had the stator replaced and that did not solve the problem. Had the bike checked again and replaced the voltage regulator. That fixed the problem. It was sending +14 volts to the battery.
I ran the bike for about 30 minutes that same day. All good. The next morning I ran the bike for about an hour, all good again. The about three hours later I got back on the bike to ride and took off just fine, and about a half mile from my house the bike began to backfire and bogg down intermitently. I headed back home and it would not keep an idle. It would drop rpms and die. I got it started every time but it kept bogging down and backfiring with very little power.
An ideas what it might be? Appreciate any help. I sure missing riding.