speedo not working ?
You can count the stripes in the road they are 12' apart so if you go by them every second you are going 60 mph.
I'm having trouble working that out, some information seems to be missing, perhaps the length of the stripes. Could you elaborate, please. I know my question doesn't help fix the guys speedo, but I can usually do enough arithmetic to work out a problem, and I can't come up with 5280 feet in one minute unless those are long stripes.
I noticed that the speedo stopped working on a ride out last week. Also the auto turn off for the indicators packet up at the same time. After a little research I found out that
because the speedo is not working the indicators (turn signals)think the bike is stationary.I have changed the sensor above the gear box but no joy.Next would be the speedo itself. Do you know if there is a relay and how would I check it? Thanks