J Jack Klarich Guest Jan 31, 2012 #1 http://www.harley-davidson.com/en_US/Media/downloads/Service/isheets/-J03322.pdf
TQuentin1 Well-Known Member Staff member Moderator Jan 31, 2012 #2 Since I installed one of these on my '03 UC in place of the OEM 5-speed, I feel qualified to comment here. If you are considering this option, my advice is DON'T DO IT. Spend the extra bucks and upgrade to the Baker DD6. TQ
Since I installed one of these on my '03 UC in place of the OEM 5-speed, I feel qualified to comment here. If you are considering this option, my advice is DON'T DO IT. Spend the extra bucks and upgrade to the Baker DD6. TQ