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SE Baffles, need help please


Hi guys, I have a 08 Electra Glide Ultra Custom. I exchanged the stock mufflers for screaming eagle slip ons; however, they still are not loud enough for me. I am a firm believer in loud pipes saves lives, but yet I don't want to shatter windows when I’m riding either. I found out the Rineheats I wanted to add on would cause me to need the bike remapped because of the fuel injection system on the bike and that would cost me 275.00 at my locate Harley shop. My question is are there replacement baffles I can purchase to give me that loud throaty Harley sound which would be loud enough when I ride down the freeway to let people know Im there? Also I have the SC mufflers with the bolts for the baffles, but I can’t seem to get the baffles out of the outer pipes. Any suggestions?

thank ahead of time
Welcome Archiblad to will find many rider opinions on this, but the key here is to keep your HD OEM takeoffs, as future local and state laws may change making mandated EPA related inspections of the noise and emissions.

That said, HD dealer can only legally change out the stockers to HD SE types already approved and naturally recommend download to change the A/F back to "lean best 14.0 or thereabouts. Take a look in the self help section or do search using the tabs on the top of the webpage. Enjoy your reading after riding...

BTW if you JUST changed to SE slipons you will not have to do this download, as there is enough leeway in the factory ECM to compensate for the change...but if you ALSO change the A/C the combined effect will be too lean a this point you would consider an aftermarket fueler.
archiblad, check out Big City Thunder's web site; you can goggle it. They have replacement baffles for both stock and SE slip-ons. I am not afflilated with them in any way; just like their baffles and customer service.
I'll second what Bait said. I put Rinehart slip ons on and was very disapointed in the sound. Not much louder then factory mufflers. After trying to contact Rinehart and being disgusted with there constomer service I removed the baffles from the Rineharts and ordered the baffles. The power increase was unbelievable! and the sound, I love it! It is loud I'm not going to lie and if I take it over 4,000 getting on it, it is really loud. With that said it has scared 3 Moose so far to run away instead of standing in the road looking at me and I know surrounding cars hear me.
Thank you for the info guys, i ordered the big city baffles today and i will keep my stock mufflers, just in case i have to worry about the goverment coming telling when and how i can ride... which i hear is just around the corner

Hey guys just bought some big city thunder baffles for my screaming eagle slip ons. I can’t get the old baffles out. I removed the lock bolts on top and the side, but I can’t get the old ones out. Has anyone experienced this issue before, or has any suggestions?

Thanks ahead of time
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Re: Removing my baffles

I have Hooker headers and at first, when I tried to remove the baffles I couldn't either. What I did was carefully use a large flat head screwdriver and wedge it between the baffle and the metal 'o' ring that surrounds my baffle. I would try and rock the baffle up and down wedging the screwdriver around the baffle at different points until it worked itself loose. They can be stubborn due to all the carbon buildup but it will come loose. I would recommend not using vice grips along the exhaust edge as it bends easily. Good luck.
Re: Removing my baffles

I'm not sure on the SE but incase anyone with Rineharts is readying this. I had to remove the end caps but still couldn't get them out. So I took the mufflers off, stood them up on two pieces of wood and then from the engine side with a metal pipe and a hammer I was able to drive them out. I could not believe how stubborn they were to get out. Then put the BCT baffles in the head pipes.