I recently purchased a 2002 Dyna Super Glide from a guy on Craigslist. For the most part I couldn't be happier and the bike runs great. The only thing that surprises me is it really isn't very loud. The previous owner installed vance and hines short shots which I know are supposed to be really loud and this bike isn't. Dont get me wrong it's not exactly quiet but for short shots I was expecting alot more. I heard that you could purchase quiet baffles for the pipes so I pulled out the baffles to have a look at them to make sure the previous owner hadn't installed the quiet ones. After looking at the baffles and some pics I found online I determined that they are the original baffles. I took the bike to a couple of Harley mechanics to see what I could do and they both agreed that the bike runs too quiet. They suggested that I could trim the baffles down an inch at a time and check the sound just as long as I didn't cut anymore than half of the baffle off. Has anybody else tried to trim their baffles on short shots and is it safe to do so? I really don't want to loose any power which I know would happen if I took them completely out. The mechanics I talked to said I probably wouldn't need to retune the engine if I only took a little bit off.