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Softtail FL engine dies while riding


New Member
I have a 03 fat boy, while riding and only once in a while the engine will die, also noted the electrical dies as well, I turn the key off, wait 2 seconds or so turn the key back on and the engine start and I off and running again. I also have a friend with an 06 heritage that does the exact same thing.
Has anyone seen this problem before and know the fix???
I have had my bike in the shop several times and they can not find anything wrong.
I would start with the easy stuff first. Make sure that your battery cables are clean and tight (both ends). Check all of the harness connectors, take them apart and check the pins for fretting. Check to see if any wires have the insulation worn through. Also I'm sure it has been checked, but is it showing any codes?
Just my .02, sounds like you may have an ignition switch problem. Next time it quits, wiggle the switch and see if the electrics come back. You might get lucky and find it quick.
The main breaker may also a place to look. Relatively cheap to replace.
The previous posts are solid advice. Has switch covers been changed to chrome??????? Possibly a pinched wire in switch housing while riding and vibration is acting like a kill switch........