I did the forward controls myself. Cost a couple hundred less than letting the dealer do it, however it is not for the mechanically disadvantaged. There are good write ups out there if you search for them, Id post the link but I dont have it saved any more. The one I followed came from this forum or hdforums.com (which has some good info, but is real slow).
I also have a windshield. I know a lot of guys dont like them, but I wouldnt ride without it. It makes travelling above 45 mph so much nicer. On long rides the wind just wears you down, but with the wind sheild...well your shielded. After I ride for a couple hours Im fresh as a daisy where as the other guys are all wind burnt and tired.
Some folks complain that the windshield distorts their vision. I would agree that it does to some extent, but I dont think its bothersome. I kind of look over my windshield anyways. If you are riding according to what they taught you at MSF you shouldnt be looking down in front of you anyways. The quick connect for the windshield is pretty slick too. Just snap it on or off. If you do want to putt down to the local saloon you just take it off (60 second job if that).